James Tate
JAMES TATE (1943-2015) ialah seorang penyair Amerika. Beliau ialah penerima Pulitzer Prize selain National Book Award.
Semasa di kolej, beliau membaca Wallace Stevens dan William Carlos Williams sebelum menunjukkan minat terhadap surrealism dengan membaca Max Jacob, Robert Desnos, Benjamin Péret, César Vallejo dll.
Puisi-puisinya dikatakan sebagai komikal dan absurd, selain surreal. Ia sentiasa digerakkan oleh watak-watak aneh yang ditemui narator.
Dome of the Hidden Pavilion (HarperCollins, 2015)
The Eternal Ones of the Dream: Selected Poems 1990 - 2010 (Ecco Press, 2012)
The Ghost Soldiers (Ecco Press, 2008)
Return to the City of White Donkeys (Ecco Press, 2004)
Memoir of the Hawk (Ecco Press, 2001)
Shroud of the Gnome (Ecco Press, 1997)
Worshipful Company of Fletchers (Ecco Press, 1994)
Selected Poems (Wesleyan University Press, 1991)
Distance from Loved Ones (Wesleyan University Press, 1990)
Reckoner (Wesleyan University Press, 1986)
Constant Defender (Ecco Press, 1983)
Riven Doggeries (Ecco Press, 1979)
Viper Jazz (Wesleyan University Press, 1976)
Absences (Little, Brown and Company, 1972)
Hints to Pilgrims (Halty Ferguson, 1971)
The Oblivion Ha-Ha (Little, Brown and Company, 1970)
The Lost Pilot (Yale University Press, 1967)
Sumber: Poetry Foundation